5 Common Mistakes You Can Do On A WordPress Website

5 Common Mistakes You Can Do On A WordPress Website
WordPress is the most common and widely used CMS and blogging platform in the world for web development purposes. So many people using one platform are sure to get a problem or two during its functioning, enormity does have its issues. But at the same time, having a huge user base and being an open-source platform, solutions to problems can be found within a day. So below, we have listed the five most common mistakes people make on the WordPress website and how these mistakes affect their websites.
Not Backing Up Your Website
Due to rates getting higher for hosting servers and backup options not being available in the necessary plans, people often tend to ignore the backups. But we have all seen it plenty of times, and if you don’t back up your website regularly, you could risk losing everything on the website. WordPress is not yet secure, and hackers are always on prey to unleash their attacks. So backing up your site should be a necessary feat for you, think of backup as your insurance policy. It only shows its effectiveness when you face a problem. There are several great plugins, which can be used for backups, or you can directly back your site up from the server site.
WordPress Plugins
One of the features that attract people to WordPress CMS is its huge plugin store. There is no denying you can do anything with the plugins available. But using plugins does have its downsides. One should always tread lightly while using WordPress plugins. Using too many plugins on the website can slow it down and drastically increase the website loading time, and as a result of this, you alienate your customers and reduce conversions. Another issue that can affect your website is the use of scam plugins, they can hack your site and steal your data. So you should always be wary of installing any plugin that is available outside the WordPress store.
Delaying Updates
One thing that WordPress does best is rolling out new updates for its CMS. Most of the time, they come up with updates to cater to security loopholes, unless they are releasing brand new features like they did with version 5.0 and showcased a brand new editor, Gutenberg. Delaying updates to their security patches may not be a sage thing to do, delaying them might give exploiters a chance to meddle and attack your sites with much ease. Newer updates also increase the performance of your website. Unless you hate the people who visit your site, you should always keep your website updated.
Using Large and Unoptimized Images
Most of the people running their websites, like to make the website image-heavy and graphic abundant, without knowing that it will slow their site down and the thing that affects the SEO the most in a lousy way is a slow website. Almost every website there is 60% made up of images, and if those images are substantial, then say goodbye to better customer experience and top rankings on search engine result pages. So if you know about Photoshop, then you can manually optimize the images that go to your website; if not, they are multiple plugins that can do that for your website.
Not integrating Web Analytics
Knowing who is or who isn’t visiting your website is a useful thing to know. It not only tells you about your website’s visitors but informs you about a lot of valuable information. That information can be used to get better engagement, a lower bounce rate, a targeted demographic, and more page views.