Paving New Roads – Clean Green Pakistan

Paving New Roads – Clean Green Pakistan
The Clean Green Pakistan Movement was launched on the 13th of October, 2018. This is a national campaign, adopting a visionary strategy. Which includes spurring behavioral change and institutional strengthening. It also addresses five critical components; plantation, solid waste management, liquid waste management, total sanitation, and safe drinking water.
It is an empowering movement and gives back power to the nation. Citizens can now seek access to basic services and also become a part of the initiative.
This revolutionary ideology is now witnessing a brand new phase, all set to be launched by the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The Federal Government had announced periodic reviews that would be held to evaluate the performance, by means of fixed indicators, across various cities around the country. Awards and certificates would be issued to generate a sense of healthy competition.
Top cities rankings are now in progress. This will also span top-performing CGP Champions.
The top cities’ rankings are to be determined on the pretext of certain requisites. This will then be followed by a detailed review of which areas have been performing the best under those specified parameters. In the contest, each city would seek to outperform the other, resulting in constructive change and channeling the vision of a safer, and healthier Pakistan throughout the country.
The Clean Green Pakistan Champions initiative, on the other hand, is a program designed to involve the active, voluntary participation of the youth in Pakistan. This will contribute towards keeping the cities clean and inculcating a sense of ownership within the general public. To take back their power as a citizen, and use it to the best of their abilities.
Any citizen, under the Clean Green Champion slogan, would be striving to contribute to all activities falling under the five, imperative pillars of the Clean Green Pakistan Movement.
Naturally, this would be incentivized. By a system of points, and rewards. The Clean Green Pakistan Champions will be ranked according to the points scored, aligned with five basic categories; Basic, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond.
This concept could escalate the rate of positive change within Pakistan. By involving the youth, educational institutions and student bodies would become far more aware of, and far more sensitized to certain issues that are a common point of contention within the country.
What’s more is the promotion of a constructive method of spending time amongst the youth, allocating and motivating more young people to join the labor force, and allowing them to explore further options that allow them to give back to their beloved country.